Thursday, 24 November 2011

Pablo E. Sandoval "The Kung Fu Panda" undergoes lasik

Yet another sports personality has undergone Lasik. This time it is the turn of Pablo E. Sandoval who underwent Lasik to correct an astigmatism.

The star, nicknamed The Kung Fu Panda is an infielder for the San Francisco Giants. The Venezuelan is quite a character and taught himself to throw with both hands, but favours his right.

It will be hard to beat his current performance, but lets hope he finds an improvement as a result of his Lasik procedure.


  1. "The Panda"?

    I thought he was "The Kung Fu Panda"? Ah well, I suppose it's all the same.

    He'd better keep his vision, anyway. He has an excellent career batting average and his fielding is very solid.

  2. Nice one John. Updated. Thanks for your comment.

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